How to remove glove compartment box on Acura TSX?

How to remove glove compartment box on Acura TSX?

If you ever work on A/C evaporator replacement or changing your cabin air filter, the very first thing you will have to do is remove the glove compartment box on your Acura TSX. Or maybe your is broken and you just replacing your glove compartment on your Acura TSX. Regardless of your reason, this tutorial will guide you through the replacement process. In this example, I’m using my 2005 Acura TSX. This process should be nearly identical to all Acura TSX years.

Difficulty Level: Easy
Time: About 10 mins
Cost: just your time

How to remove glove compartment box on 2005 Acura TSX?

Step 1: Tools You’ll Need

Before starting to process of removing a glove compartment on your Acura TSX I recommend you get the following tools. If you don’t have a trim removal tool I recommend investing in one because it is the handiest tools you will use while doing your own car repairs.

2005 Acura TSX Glove Compartment Removal Tools

Step 2: Open Acura TSX Glove Compartment Box

Open the glove compartment box. On the right side, you will see a lever or some sort of holder hinge, not sure what the proper name for it is. Press down on it in order to disengage it from the glove compartment door. Move this hinge up once it’s disengaged with the door.

How to remove glove compartment box on 2005 Acura TSX

Step 3: Remove the Acura TSX glove compartment box stoppers

On the inside of the Acura TSX glove compartment box, you will find two plastic covers one on each side. Take the trim removal tool and carefully pop it open. Now you will have to play with it and move it around to get it fully out. See the 2nd picture below so you have an idea of what it looks like.

glove compartment box removal on 2005 Acura TSX
glove compartment box on acura tsx removal

Step 4: Remove electrical connector in the Acura TSX glove compartment

Once the stoppers are removed, the glove compartment box will hang even further. Carefully support it so it doesn’t damage the wire harness that is attached to it. There is an electrical connector for the glove compartment light. Take needle nose pliers and slowly pull the connector off.

acura tsx glove compartment electrical connector

Step 5: Removing Acura TSX Glove Compartment Box Screws

Lastly, the Acura TSX glove compartment box is held by two screws. In order to remove the screws, you will have to use an 8mm socket and ratchet wrench and get to them from the bottom.

acura tsx glove compartment screws

First, you will need to close the glove compartment. I recommend using an extension so you have more room to operate. In addition, the screws had a Philips end on the so a screwdriver can be utilized as well. I prefer an 8mm socket which makes it easier to use than a screwdriver.

what size is glove compartment screws in acura tsx?

Step 6: Remove Acura TSX Glove Compartment Box

Once the screws are removed place them in a safe place where you don’t lose them. Slowly open the glove compartment and hold it from the bottom as it will drop since nothing is supporting it now.

Remove Acura TSX Glove Compartment Box


That’s it. You are done. Now you can proceed to do the following operations.

You can also watch the Acura TSX Glove Compartment Removal here:

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