How to Install Self Closing Door Hinge

How to Install Self Closing Door Hinge

Self-closing door hinges are a great way to add connivence to your home especially if you have kids that always leave the door wide open. These types of hinges can help you in so many ways which is why I am going to teach you how to install a self-closing door hinge and remove your old one.

Don’t worry installation of self-closing door hinges is extremely easy and almost everyone can do it. It is because I have broken down the whole process into a few simple steps. So, in the end, you will know exactly what to do and how to do it.

Self-Closing Door Hinges are easy to install for your front door or any other type of door but they must be installed properly if you want them to last long.

Let’s see what are the required tools for this job and how to do it properly.

Tools You’ll Need for This Project

Once you have acquired all the required tools you can then proceed to the following tutorial.

Step 1: Removing the Old Door Hinge(s)

The first step in the process is removing the old door hinge without damaging your door.

Remove all screws from the hinges using a screwdriver or an Allen key. You must ensure that you don’t damage your door while taking off the hinges.

How to remove old door hinge
Unscrew your old door hinges

Once you have removed all of them, then repeat this process with each hinge. I highly recommend using a good drill driver for this job because it makes the job easy and you won’t get tired easily.

Step 2: Installing the New Self Closing Door Hinge

It is now time to install the new door hinges on your door and make it self-closing.

Installing a new self closing door hinge
Place your new door hinge in place of the old

To do this you must first position the upper part of the hinge from behind your door. Once that is done, you must place a screw in it. You can also use an Allen key to secure it in place.

Now the lower part of the hinge must be placed on the top side of your door. This is what makes your new hinge self-closing. Now fasten it using screwdriver or Allen keys and that’s pretty much it. Your doors will come together with a nice tight seal making them very secure.

How to install self closing door hinge
Screw the new door hinges

Step 3: Provide Tension to the Self Closing Door Hinge

Once you have installed the hinge or hinges to your door and secured them properly the next part is to apply tension to them. This is the main part because it creates a force that makes the hinge closes itself.

how to adjust a self closing door hinge
Insert the Allen key in the hinge

In order to provide tension to the hinge, you need to take your Allen key and insert it in the top or bottom of the door. You should apply tension according to your door opening way.

If your door opens from right to left then you need to apply tension in a clockwise sense.

However, if it opens in the opposite direction then you will need to apply the tension in a counter-clockwise direction.

During tension tuning, you need to use a pin to secure the holes of the door hinge and prevent them from back motion.

self closing door hinge adjustment
Read and follow the manual for specifications regarding the holes on the hinges

Please keep in mind that you shouldn’t exceed 3 holes for a door that opens 180 degrees or 4 holes for a door that opens 90 degrees.

Step 4: Lock the Self Closing Door Hinge tension with the Provided Pin

Once you have tuned the door hinge for the desired tension you will need to lock it in place. For this job, you need to use the pins that come with your new door hinge.

how to install self closing door hinge
Insert the lock pin in the hinge from above

Simply remove your tool from the hole and insert the locking pin in it. It will hold the hole in place and prevent it from slipping backward. Thus, your door hinge will have a steady force that will help it to close automatically whenever you open your door.

Step 5: Testing the Door with Self Closing Door Hinge

The last step of this tutorial is to see whether the force produced by the hinge is enough or not. If you have executed every step as mentioned in this article then your doors must close automatically without pushing them.

how self closing door hinge works
Finally, test the door by leaving it open

Final Words

Installing a door hinge that closes itself is a fun little project that is very easy to do but still, some people might find it confusing. However, after reading this article, I hope you will have learned the right method and gained enough confidence to do it yourself.

If you have something on your mind, feel free to let me know in the comment section below or you can share this guide with your friends and family to help them learn the installation of the new door hinge.

If you find the following text instructions a bit confusing, you can check out my video on the same topic.

Lastly, you might want to read my article on “How to Install a Pocket Door Lock on Sliding Door”

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Dad, Engineer, DIYer, Creator

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